SDGs stories slider
In Trinidad and Tobago, from 2011 to 2018, the IDB supported the Neighborhood Upgrading Program, which worked to improve the living and housing conditions for low-income groups in marginal areas.
SDG 11
This project supported SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.
families benefited from neighborhood upgrades
families benefited from home improvement subsidies
From 2012 to 2017 the IDB supported the country in addressing the renewable energy and energy efficiency gap through the Sustainable Energy Investment Programme.
This project supports SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy.
tons of CO2 emissions avoided
of the installed capacity is from renewable energy
The project focus is to invest in the development of fiber optic backbone infrastructure and towers as well as strengthening its regulatory framework and promoting broadband use in public health and agriculture facilities of Nicaragua.
This project supports SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.
This project supports SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.
people benefited with 4G/LTE network coverage or better
health centres reached by last-mile connection financing
Chile and the IDB partnered to finance Chile’s Integrity and Transparency Agenda Support Program I and II —two consecutive programs—to strengthen the legal and institutional framework for integrity and transparency.
SDG 16
This project supports SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
public officials presented their declaration of interest and assets
primary and secondary schools with a civic education plan
The Program for Improved Accessibility and Quality of Health Services and Networks helped improve health and well-being in that country by addressing gaps in the coverage and quality of health services.
This project supports SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being.
beneficiaries of health services
increase in children with complete vaccinations
Learn how the IDB Group supports the SDGs
IDB Group strategic priorities and the SDGs
The IDB Group's strategic priorities support all 17 SDGs, emphasizing the region’s most critical development challenges and cross-cutting issues.
IDB Group Institutional Strategy
The Institutional Strategy of the IDB Group serves as the Group’s core strategic guidance.
Development Effectiveness Overview
The Development Effectiveness Overview showcases the results and impact of the IDB Group's work in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Financing the SDGs: Contributions of the MDBs
This joint report, issued under the guidance of the Heads of 11 MDBs and the IMF, presents collective and individual efforts to support countries in achieving the SDGs
The IDB Group and the Sustainable Development Goals
This brochure summarizes the Group’s actions to support countries in Latin America and the Caribbean in accelerating progress toward the SDGs.
The IDB Group SDG Classification Methodology
This guide provides an overview of the ex-ante approach used by the IDB Group to determine the contribution to the SDGs of the projects it supports.
Related Reading
The IDB Group is the leading source of development finance for Latin America and the Caribbean. It helps to improve lives by providing financial solutions and development knowhow to public and private sector clients. The group comprises the IDB, which has worked with governments for 60 years; IDB Invest, which serves the private sector; and IDB Lab, which tests innovative ways to enable more inclusive growth.