Reducing the digital Gap in Nicaragua
people benefited with 4G/LTE network coverage or better
health centres reached by last-mile connection financing
Since 2015, the IDB has supported Nicaragua in the development and implementation of its Broadband Program (NI-L1090), which consists of expanding the national electric company’s broadband network by developing fiber optic backbone infrastructure and towers as well as strengthening its regulatory framework and promoting broadband use in public health and agriculture facilities. Once the backbone infrastructure is complete, the government can offer wholesale broadband connections to private telecommunication firms, which then act as providers of the service to individual clients. Because the network model relies on private providers to deliver the final service, the regulatory framework was updated to better foster competition and investment.
As of 2020, at least 10 private firms have contracted with the government to utilize the broadband, 93 additional municipalities have been reached with high-speed broadband and an estimated 647,050 people were benefited with 4G/LTE mobile network coverage or better. The project has also financed the last-mile connection for 149 health centers and for 100 educational and research facilities of Nicaragua’s Institute of Agricultural Technology.