The CRF provides a high-level view of the development results supported by the IDB Group in Latin America and the Caribbean and the Group’s performance against operational and organizational targets.

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Why does the IDB Group have a CRF?

The CRF is the IDB Group’s highest-level corporate monitoring tool, establishing ambitious targets to drive performance in line with the Group’s strategic priorities. It is a critical performance management tool that informs resource allocation to support the achievement of institutional objectives and provides accountability to IDB Group stakeholders.

What does the CRF measure?

The CRF monitors the IDB Group’s institutional strategy, capturing the work of all three entities in the Group: the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), which has worked with governments for more than 60 years; IDB Invest, which serves the private sector; and IDB Lab, which tests innovative ways to enable more inclusive growth. It consists of three levels of indicators, with distinct purposes:

  • Level 1 indicators (Regional Context) track the region’s progress with regard to the three challenges and cross-cutting issues of the IDB Group strategy (i.e., social inclusion and equality; productivity and innovation; and economic integration, gender equality and diversity, climate change and environmental sustainability, institutional capacity and rule of law). These indicators allow the IDB Group to track the evolution of the region on key aspects of its development and individual country progress on these indicators can be used to inform strategic planning and programming discussions at the country level.
  • Level 2 indicators (IDB Group Contributions to Development Results) track the magnitude of IDB Group contributions to the three challenges and cross-cutting issues of the IDB Group strategy. These indicators allow the IDB Group to communicate in a consolidated way the results it is supporting under specific development priorities. These aggregated figures also provide a gateway to the project-level information underlying these figures that is presented via the CRF website.
  • Level 3 indicators (IDB Group Performance) assess the performance of the IDB Group entities against targets for operational delivery and results as well as organizational management and effectiveness. These indicators are critical in helping drive the Group’s performance in the desired direction and meeting the priorities laid out in its institutional strategy.

More Information on the CRF 2016-2019

The CRF 2016-2019 was approved in 2015 to support measurement of the Update to the Institutional Strategy. Progress data is reported annually via the CRF website and the Development Effectiveness Overview. Final data for the CRF 2016-2019 period will be available in July 2020. The complete CRF 2016-2019 proposal and additional documents related to the CRF 2016-2019 can be accessed through the links below: